Friday, January 23, 2009

Windows Vista

My rating: 5/10

The reason I gave it 5/10 and not higher or lower is because it works perfectly for me, except when I connect my wireless N adapter to it, then it BSOD's me, but Vista can't take full blame for it.

Microsoft f*cked up when they released Vista. Back then, I wasn't a genius in pc's, so my father picked up a Vista (The one I'm currently on, however I modded it.) It was a Gateway GT5404. It was pretty damn fast for back then, 1gb of RAM, Pentium D 2.80Ghz,pc. 250gb sata harddrive, dvd writer, Intel 945G (Coreyville). It ran Vista with no problems, but Vista had a lot of problems.

First problem: My dad bought a Nvidia card (whom suck with Vista), and used it's cd drivers. Which were probably from 2006 (I had a 7300GS), and it crashed on me like heck when I played a game until I downloaded the new Vista 'safe' drivers.

Second Problem: Half of my programs didn't even run on Vista, which made me very angry. I had to download mods to make Microsoft Office 2000 run(I hate office 2007), and all my photo editing software wouldn't work. Bummer

Third problem: JESUS CHRIST VISTA IS A RAM WH*RE. Vista used 900mb of my 1gb for just doing the simplest things, and when it was doing nothing, it used about 700mb of it.

Well, the RAM problem was fixed when I got 4gb of it, but then my copy was 32bit, so I screwed the hell up there. And any gamers out there had to upgrade to Vista if they wanted to play using DX10.

Now, you're probably wondering why I gave it a 5/10. That's being generous also, but the reason I gave it a 5/10 is because it worked, and it ran games without much crashing much after Nvidia released some drivers that were actually compatible with Vista. Well, this is my first review, and if it seems unfinished, it's probably because I'm sick.

Spork adds: In my humble opinion, Chaplian was overly generous, but I'll forgive him, because he doesn't have a lot in the way of better Operating Systems to compare it to.

Windows 2000 and XP were the best two Windows so far. Vista ranks just above ME, which is the worst Windows ever.

Heres to hoping Windows 7 is to Vista what 2000 was to ME.

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