Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Halo 3: ODST
Thursday, February 19, 2009
FEAR 2: Project Origin
In this game you play as Michael Beckett, and it takes place directly 30 minutes BEFORE the end of the First FEAR. You start off at the bottom of this giant building you find out you have to get to the top of. No You don't have to take the stairs (Though your teammate will bitch about it). When you get there, you realize that Alma (The little girl from the first game) is causing problems. How do you deal with problems? You ruthlessly murder them. After the explosion (Which you see, and it looks incredible). So after Alma fucks everything up, you have to find her with the help of some computer nerd named Snake Fist. Yes. His name is Snake Fist. But I digress, I don't want to spoil anything, but there will be a sequel. Or I will Kill.
So the Graphics are pretty much amazing. The area feels dark, dingy, and scary as hell. There is one point where all you see is pitch black except for a flickering light. After you pass a certain point, the light flickers and you see Alma standing there, but it flickers again and she's gone. At another point she runs at you, grabs you while you rapidly press the B button(on 360) to get her off of you, she politely screams "STAY AWAYY!!!!!". The game definitely lives up to it's title.
Another plus is the AI is incredible. I'm so happy that a company made a game with AI deliberately using strategy to try and kick your ass. For example: In the game there is a level with the school. Somewhere in that school is a play area with a big farm. I'm hiding behind the farm thinking "Those bastards are so dead," Until I hear "HE'S HIDING BEHIND THE FARM! THROW A GRENADE!" Yeah. I wasn't too happy about my following death.
But the BEST thing about this game is the Gripping story. I was anticipating every single moment of that game. I never got bored, and never thought "This doesn't make sense!" It is beautifully written, the voice actors are good, and it feels realistic in a certain sense.
Now to the things I don't like. The game is REALLY Short. I beat it in about 6 hours. Although those were 6 of the scariest, most action packed hours of my life, I still expected a lot more. You don't spend over a year developing a game to only have it be 6 hours long, especially if it's as anticipated as FEAR 2 was.
Another problem I had was the multiplayer is Mediocre at best. Sure, FPS Multiplayers are all fun and stuff, but you need to add your own flare if you want them to be truly amazing. This Multiplayer had no flare except the achievements.
But I have to Admit... The Story is too well to miss out on. If you have a PC, Xbox 360, or PS3 and Love FPS's, I highly recommend this game. Maybe the Multiplayer won't get you, but the incredible story gives it replay value.
9/10. Silent Hill+Rainbow 6=FEAR 2
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
For those of you who live in Europe and have somehow heard of this blog, Taken is old news. For those of us who live the States, its fresh meat.
- Do not attempt to fight Liam Neeson if you do not have a gun, as his hands are actually more deadly than a blast of steam to the face.
- Do not attempt to fight Liam Neeson if you do have a gun, as he will take it from you and shoot you with it.
- Do not attempt to fight Liam Neeson if there are any surfaces nearby, as he can use these to kill you.
- Do not attempt to fight Liam Neeson if you have arms or legs because he can grab them and use them to control you.
- Do not attempt to fight Liam Neeson if you have ribs, because he knows how to shove them into your lungs.
- Do not attempt to fight Liam Neeson if thirty other guys have your back, because he will kill them too.
- Do not attempt to fight Liam Neeson if he is handcuffed to a pipe on the ceiling, because he will still kill you.
- Do not attempt to fight Liam Neeson if he is in a car, because he can do some crazy car tricks.
- Every single car in France is made by Jeep.
- It is acceptable to drive through a trailer if you honk politely first.
- Even when his attention is riveted on a boat and he is driving against traffic, Liam Neeson is a better driver than anyone I know.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Classics: Sid Meier's Pirates!
Game review here!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Eternal Sonata
Eternal Sonata pits you in the Dreams of Frederic Francois Chopin, who, in all honesty, is a Badass (And a classical music composer.) What blew me away is that Chopin was a real person, and the stuff it says about him in this game is actually true. He really did fall in love with some girl who smoked cigars and wrote romance novels, and he really was a good composer.
Now, on to the premise of the game. You are pitted in Chopin's Dream, where he meets this girl, whose name is Polka, and she can do magic. SINCE She can do magic, she is dying. And because she is dying, everyone hates her. They go off, in his dream, and try and find out what is going on with them while Chopin is convinced this is all some crazy fricken dream and he's about ready to wake up.
The premise, though stupid, is actually not that bad once you get into it. I'm a huge RPG nerd, and this game made me happy in the fact that it had potential to be a good, classic RPG.
The combat, I will admit, is pretty annoying. The Dialogue is worse though. The only good voice actor is the guy who plays Chopin, because he's the only one who actually sounds like he's hit puberty. The combat was really fun when the game first started. It has this weird system where people take turns going, but it's free roam and they have generally 5 seconds to attack, heal, whatever. When they stand still, the time will stop, so they can prepare to do whatever. This was an excellent idea, until they decided that "Hey! We're gonna go and fuck it all up for you!" They added in a feature where your party gains "Levels." Why? I don't know either. You'd think "Well hey! I gained a level! What excellent feature does that unlock? More time?" No. As a matter of fact, you get LESS Time. Why? I don't know. It's fucking extremely retarded though. Also, when you stop moving, the time keeps ticking away. You know what it's thinking? "Why are you standing still, retard?!"
Also, aiming can be annoying. I miss all the time when I think my guy is standing close enough to hit him without grinding on him. Unfortunately, you practically have to rub your junk against the enemy to Do some damage. Also, the fact that the amount of light and dark in a level affects how you play is really annoying. Some enemies get stronger in those areas, and you can only do certain attacks in different light spectrums. Again: I have no idea who thought this was a good idea.
Finally, it's just another RPG. It's long, it's tedious, it has it's wonderful moments, and I personally like it. But you have to be into the genre to love it as much as I do.
For Classic RPG fans, I give it a 7/10. The game isn't as bad as it seems, but it can be very tedious, but for Regular gamers I give it a 3/10. If you don't like the Genre, this isn't a game to play.
Spice and Wolf

Can't think....
Friday, February 6, 2009
Gran Torino
So... Gran Torino. Going in, all I knew was that it involved Clint Eastwood, which was reason enough for me to watch it.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Resident Evil 5 (Demo)
So Of course, I don't know everything about the game yet, but I can certainly write about what's good so far.
I, personally, am a HUGE RE Fan. I love every game (Even Survivor) and am very excited for 5. Now Onto the Review.
In this game you play Chris Redfield (From the original RE) who is a badass SWAT Type dude trying to rid the infection in the South African area. You get a partner, whose name is Sheva, and they basically help you rid this monsterous infection. And Honestly? Thank GOD. This game is definitely a lot faster paced then it's predecessor. The Zombies seem to be more numerous, the ammo seems to be sparce, and the piss in my pants seems to grow more and more as I pull the trigger, begging my friend to give me ammo.
As I just mentioned, another WONDERFUL Inclusion of this game is the Cooperative mode, where your buddy can play as your female friend. This makes the game a lot easier, because even though you can roughly tell what your AI friend is doing, it's always easier to communicate with your friend then a computer program (When I am yelling "Dammit Man! Shoot that Zombie!" Chances are, AI Sheva won't hear me.) I'm not going to lie, after seeing the little girl from RE4 practically ruin my fun thanks to the fact she can't do anything except scream "LEEEEEOOOOOOONNNNN!!", My hopes weren't very high. But, when Sheva came in and murdered all the zombies I couldn't see, and proceeded to help my dying ass, I paused the game, got on my knees, and thanked CAPCOM for putting the greatest thing ever into this game; A REAL Partner.
The graphics are amazing. I saw the cutscenes and previews and didn't think it would live up to the 360 quality of graphics, but when I saw the vibrant and suspicious area of South Africa, I practically went into a seizure(of happiness, of course.) The Graphics are very detailed, and although the game is no Crysis (Thank god) You should be able to look at it and go "Those are pretty damn good."
Even though it was a demo, I saw very few bugs, except one major one; You can't pick how much ammo you give your friend. This bugged the shit out of me. The people I play with tend to see a box of ammo, realize they have 50 bullets, think about adding it to their collection while I'm blowing off heads saying "I'm down to like, 8 bullets in my box" and go "Well I'll grab this and give it to them!" This would be wonderful, if they didn't give me all 60 bullets they had. Even though I'm more then happy to have a lot of ammo, I feel like a greedy douche having it all while my now ammoless buddy is getting his head ripped off because he is running out of ammo.
Aside from that, the game is astonishing. I thought it would practically be a repeat of RE4, and even though the gameplay is similar, the story, graphics, and overall funness of the game shot through the roof. I have played the Demo over and over and all it does is make me cry at the fact RE5 isn't out yet (I have the Collector's Edition Prordered!)
I give it a 9.5/10. If the small ammo problem is fixed, I'm almost Positive RE5 completed will get a 10. Definitely the best in the series, and it isn't even done.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Robot Chicken
Monday, February 2, 2009
Prince Of Persia
So I, Being a huge Prince of Persia fan, was extremely excited to find out that they made a new title for this wonderful series, and was eager to play.
You play a prince, obviously, who has lost his donkey that had plenty of riches on it for him. He goes looking for his donkey and finds this crazy chick who can do a bunch of magic and stuff, which is sweet. Also, she won't let you die, which although helps you, gets a bet saddening. I get sad watching her save my ass over and over while playing the game. Also, you unleash some super demon type thing, and because you do this, it's your job to make sure it doesn't mass murder everything.
The Graphics are wonderful. I've always been a fan of Cel Shading, so that instantly caught me. The cutscenes are alright at first... but then they get extremely repetitive. (Alright, I get it. I suck at this game and you have to save me, but can I skip the cutscene already? I feel like shit every time!)
The Game is EXTREMELY repetitive. After you unlock all the combos and get used to whooping major ass, you start to realize "Wait, This is the 10th time I've foughten you!!!" The Dialogue is terrible. No one wants to hear the stupid prince try and act all super suave after this badass chick you don't even get to play as saves you from death over and over and OVER.
I had a lot of fun with this game for about two hours, which is the point that I realized I was screaming, trying not to break my controller, and feeling like a loser for getting saved constantly. If It wasn't so terribly repetitive, it'd be a great game.
But 20 hours of Nonstop button mashing and feeling like crap? No thanks.
3/10 for the amazing graphics and original idea, but they need more combos and less crappy dialogue
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Mirrors Edge
The story is about a girl named Faith, who is a "Runner" In a futuristic city where the government sucks, Red clothes are cool, and Facial Tattoos are hot. (Guess much hasn't changed)
So, as usual, I'll state the bad first. The story is ridiculously short. I beat it in less then 8 hours. On top of that, The story doesn't really catch, the guns suck, and the Dialogue is Cheesy and Terrible. I feel like I was playing a Triple X: State of the Union game.
Until I actually started moving as the character. Your HUD is just a dot. A dot in the middle of the screen, to prevent motion sickness. The movement as your character is fluid, the graphics are amazing, and you feel incredibly powerful after playing this game (I almost killed myself trying to run on the wall at my school. Thanks Mirrors Edge.)
Also, something that doesn't hurt, is that the Main Character is Smokin. There is nothing wrong with a little asian chick with a tattoo on her face, running around doing kung fu and beating the crap out of the government. Thank god.
Finally, the game is all in all Original. It's really fun and a breath of fresh air onto the dull world of constant FPS's and Exhausting strategy games.
Besides the fact that it's short and the story is terrible, I've got to let it slide. This Incredibly addicting, original, and noteworthy game is highly recommended. I say a 8/10
Silent Hill: Homecoming
So Now I've got Silent Hill: Homecoming, another installment to the wonderfully horrific Silent Hill Series. In this game, you play Alex Sheppard, A soldier who was wounded in battle who is coming home because he has been having disturbing dreams about his brother, Josh.
Now the game starts off with you in Alchemilla Hospital, an infamous area to the silent hill series. The first thing I noticed is that this game is basically a Resident Evil 4 Rip off. It has the same over the shoulder style, with the gun style combat, and the same basic graphics. The saddening things is that Yes, the graphics are pretty much just like Resident Evil 4.
Also, when you do get out of the hospital, you'll notice you're not in Silent Hill, But in Sheppard's Glen, a town quite near Silent Hill. You'll find the area is practically Silent Hill without a Hospital, school, and ridculously scary guy with a giant sword walking around.
Aside from the Graphics problem, the game is extremely buggy. I've gotten into so many glitches that I'm extremely happy I Saved a lot. I've gotten to points in the game where enemies won't die, You fall through the level, you get stuck behind an invisible wall, texture failures, etc.
Now don't get me wrong. I had a lot of fun playing this game. The puzzles are fun and challenging, and not too repetitive, The Combat isn't that bad, even though it feels like you've done it before, The story is enticing, and I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty damn creepy. You don't get the feeling of helplessness like you do from the other silent hill games, but that's because the combat has been designed so you can ACTUALLY KILL in this game.
Overall, I give this a 6/10. If it isn't for you, it isn't for you, and The glitches and pre-gen graphics really killed the vibe.
Left 4 Dead Review
In Left 4 Dead, You play one of the few survivors of "The Infection." The Infected include your basic, 28 days later type zombies, as well as Valves originals, which include the Smoker, Hunter, Boomer, Tank, and the scariest thing ever, the Witch.
So for Starters, I'll go into the story mode. The simple fact is, there really isn't one. An Infection Happens, and that's it. You're one of the few survivors and all you do is kill and live. Kill, Live, Kill, Live, Kill.... That's about it. The characters really don't have any remote backstory, just a little detail, Like "Bill survived 3 wars." That's it. If your looking for a game with depth, this is not it.
Also, the one other bad thing about this game is that versus mode only allows you to access 2 of the 4 maps available to regular campaign. Now I'm not one to really complain about limiting certain things for good reasons, but it seems like Valve really tried to rush this game.
Now don't let what I said get you down. This game is the BEST Multiplayer game around, Hands down. It has the Ridiculously satisfying teamwork in campaign, as well as fun weapons, items, and simple gameplay. My Girlfriend, whom shops at Abercrombie and Fitch, Listens to Jesse McCartney, and Has bright blue walls in her room, absolutely adores this game. It's for everyone, hands down. It's easy to get into, and hard to put down.
The graphics aren't much to ask for, but then again, they aren't too important in a game that is based around slaughtering massive amounts of zombies and getting to the nearest safe room, which when you finally do, you're gasping for air after your screaming at your friends to keep up, not alert the witch, kill the nearest boomer, etc. I dunno about you, but I don't stop and smell the roses when a vicious zombie is gnawing on the back of my head.
All in all, I would give this game a 9/10. Very Fun, Easy to pick up, and Great for Parties or introducing people to Gaming
Friday, January 30, 2009
Neverwinter Nights 2
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Princess Bride
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Eve Online
My Rating: 4/10
Why such a low rating you ask? Well, you need to know how to play a game to play it and (In my and Randall's case) rate it, right? Well, it took me 4 goddamned days to figure out what the fuck everything does. Press one wrong button and you end up in some fucked up state or in some different place. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT ANYMORE MAN?!
Well, to move on, the tutorial just confused the fuck out of me even more, so I said screw it and just randomly started playing. I figured how to mine and warp, and let me tell you, mining after 5 hours straight gets pretty damn boring.
Then I decided to attempt to kill some pirates, and guess what? I bought a new ship that I could not even equip a goddamn gun to because I required some stupid skill. So after getting blasted to pieces, I warped away to the nearest station. I nearly threw my desktop through my monitor when I saw all the fucking options. KEEP IT SIMPLE PEEPS!