Monday, February 2, 2009

Prince Of Persia

Hey Everyone. It's H4ZM4T, here with a Review for Prince of Persia.

So I, Being a huge Prince of Persia fan, was extremely excited to find out that they made a new title for this wonderful series, and was eager to play.

You play a prince, obviously, who has lost his donkey that had plenty of riches on it for him. He goes looking for his donkey and finds this crazy chick who can do a bunch of magic and stuff, which is sweet. Also, she won't let you die, which although helps you, gets a bet saddening. I get sad watching her save my ass over and over while playing the game. Also, you unleash some super demon type thing, and because you do this, it's your job to make sure it doesn't mass murder everything.

The Graphics are wonderful. I've always been a fan of Cel Shading, so that instantly caught me. The cutscenes are alright at first... but then they get extremely repetitive. (Alright, I get it. I suck at this game and you have to save me, but can I skip the cutscene already? I feel like shit every time!)

The Game is EXTREMELY repetitive. After you unlock all the combos and get used to whooping major ass, you start to realize "Wait, This is the 10th time I've foughten you!!!" The Dialogue is terrible. No one wants to hear the stupid prince try and act all super suave after this badass chick you don't even get to play as saves you from death over and over and OVER.

I had a lot of fun with this game for about two hours, which is the point that I realized I was screaming, trying not to break my controller, and feeling like a loser for getting saved constantly. If It wasn't so terribly repetitive, it'd be a great game.

But 20 hours of Nonstop button mashing and feeling like crap? No thanks.

3/10 for the amazing graphics and original idea, but they need more combos and less crappy dialogue

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